Wednesday, 24 October 2012

St. Claret College, Bangalore Implemented Oréll Digital Language Lab

Oréll Digital Language Lab (ODLL) has been implemented at St. Claret College, one of the leading educational institutions in India.

The implementation was done by Anoop Muraleedaran, the Business Executive of Oréll on October 23, 2012. The Special Edition set of ODLL with 1+20 consoles was installed at the institution. Fr. Thomas Thennady , the Principal of the college took initiative to bring ODLL to the institution for enhancing the second language proficiency of students from different parts of the world.

As the college comprises a large number of students from around the world, it is necessary to follow a standard form of language for both written and oral usage. With the implementation of ODLL, the students can improve their written language, accent and style of speaking, and can communicate without any inhibition. Oréll Digital Language Lab does not replace the teacher rather it provides the application of Information Communication Technology in English language teaching methodology.
Apart from the installation processes, Oréll team has delivered a training session to educate the instructors of the college regarding ODLL use and its various features.

St. Claret College (SCC), Bangalore, managed by the international network of Claretian Missionaries, from its beginning in 2005 has witnessed phenomenal growth over the years and today it has several undergraduate programs in Commerce, Management, Computer Science, Physics, Electronics and Humanities. Moved by the spiritual genius of St. Claret and robust Catholic intellectual tradition, St. Claret College transforms students from all cultures and faiths to be spiritually vibrant, morally responsible, and socially just global citizens who advance the civilization of love and harmony.

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